Expanded monitoring and fewer silent failures

Myst Platform Release (2022-05-13)

Hello Myst Platform users,

We have two changes for you this week – a simplification of the Yes Energy connector and an improvement over silent graph failures.

Please update your myst-alpha package at your earliest convenience to ensure you have access to this update (instructions here).


  • The Yes Energy connector no longer requires username and password. This will take effect when you update to the latest version of the client library, so be sure to remove these parameters from any client library code that uses the Yes Energy connector when you next update your myst-alpha package!
  • Fit and run jobs will fail if your model is asked to train on or predict only missing data. You will also see an error message in the Monitoring tab in this case: “An error occurred in an underlying connector: All data dropped due to missing values.” Our goal is to protect you from silent failures, i.e., prevent your models from training on all null data or from predicting all null outputs.
    More detail:
    • In the platform, most model connectors will drop training and prediction observations if there is one feature with a null or missing value (with the exception of XGBoost and LightGBM, which can train and predict on missing values with the “Fit on Null Values” and “Predict on Null Values” parameters). Previously, if all observations were dropped, model fit and run jobs could still succeed – i.e., train on no data and predict null values for all horizons. Now, fit and run jobs will fail if all observations are dropped when dropping missing values either in training or prediction.

If you are curious about how another data science team uses the Platform, check out this blog post and the webinar linked there to learn about how Powerflex works with the Myst Platform.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out via the chat embedded in the Myst Platform or email us at [email protected] with questions or feedback.

Thank you!
Ellery and the Myst team